Study Suggests The First-Born Child Is More Likely To Be Overweight

photo credit: First-born women more likely to be overweight or obese, study suggest. Byjeng, via Shutterstock.

What can you birth order say about your weight? According to a new study, first-born women are more likely to be overweight or obese than their younger sisters.
There’s a lot of research on the relationship between birth order, personality and health. It’s been linked with intelligencepolitical ideology and cardiovascular disease. For obvious reasons, many don’t hold up to further scrutiny and it’s probably best to take these findings with a pinch of salt. But what’s particularly interesting about this recent study is that it’s the largest of its kind and builds on previous research that reported similar findings.   
The study, published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, collected a range of data from the Swedish Birth Register, which included the weight and height of nearly 13,500 pairs of sisters. Researchers note that all large studies examining the effects of birth order on someone’s BMI – or body mass index – have previously been carried out on men, which prompted them to investigate whether there were similar patterns among women.
Researchers studied sibling pairs born between 1991 and 2009 to women who were at least 18 years old at the time of their first pregnancy. Twins were not included in the study.
They found that at birth first-born women weighed less than their siblings, but were more likely to be overweight or obese when they grew up. First-born women were 29% more likely to be overweight and 40% more likely to be obese, when compared with their second-born sisters. Also, the average BMI for first-borns was 2.4% greater than their second-born sisters.
“Our study corroborates other large studies on men, as we showed that firstborn women have greater BMI and are more likely to be overweight or obese than their second born sisters,” researchers note in the study.
“The steady reduction in family size may be a contributing factor to the observed increase in adult BMI worldwide, not only among men, but also among women,” they add.
It’s unclear why first-born women were more likely to be overweight. A co-author on the paper, Professor Wayne Cutfield from the Liggins Institute at the University of Auckland, speculates that this pattern could be partly down to a change in the amount of blood the placenta receives between first and later pregnancies. He told CBS News that blood vessels may be narrower in the first pregnancy, which could in turn reduce the nutrient supply; changing how fat and glucose is regulated in the body. First-born women could therefore at risk of storing more fat and have less effective insulin. 
Researchers were, however, quick to point out this is an observational study and therefore no definitive conclusions can be drawn about cause and effect. They also warn that although the research suggests birth order could be a risk factor for obesity, it’s clearly one of many and is probably only a small contributor.

Why Do Bruises Change Color?

photo credit: Bruise changing color from purple to yellow. Dean Bertoncelj/Shutterstock

If you’re as clumsy and careless as I am, you’ll have experienced potentially thousands of bruises over the course of your life – and even those that don’t have the coordination of a newborn calf will have had a bruise at some point. So you’ll have probably noticed your bruise changing color.
Bruises can appear in a rainbow of colors: black, reddish, purple, green, yellow, and blue. They will also fade and change as time passes from the initial incident. But why?
Take a look at this video by SciShow to find out:

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Healthy Eating Leads To Safe And Effective Riddance Of Unwanted Weight

By Kameal L. Anderson

The achievement of superb health involves so many essential things. One of them is being cautious of what you put inside your mouth. Healthy eating, aside from being wholesome, also helps you to look amazing physically. That's because it entails the intake of nourishing foods loaded with nutrients like vitamins and minerals. It also involves the elimination of anything that can ruin your health.

So many people who like to remove unwanted pounds reach for supplements. The manufacturers of so many of these products claim to make you slimmer without much effort on your part and in just a few days. These supplements are attention-grabbers due to the heavy marketing and sensationalized claims. Because of these approaches, a lot of consumers think that taking supplements is vital.

The problem with most of today's supplements is they don't really contain anything that promotes weight loss. With a little research on the internet, it's easy to realize that the stated ingredients and claims on the label and ads do not come with any scientific basis. Basically, you will be wasting your hard-earned cash on pills, capsules or powders that do nothing to help you slim down effectively.

Majority of fat burners, metabolism boosters and appetite suppressants around also contain questionable ingredients. These chemicals may cause side effects such as nausea and excessive sweating, and even dangerous ones such as heart palpitations and increased blood pressure. Especially if you have an existing medical condition, the intake of these supplements may actually put your health in danger.

Instead of investing your hard-earned cash on supplements that claim to help you drop unwanted pounds, simply pay extra attention to the intake of healthy foods which, according to health and fitness professionals, can actually help you drop excess weight. They are friendlier to the budget compared to most supplements. More importantly, they won't put your well-being at risk.

Adding fruits and veggies to your diet is a wonderful way to eliminate excess pounds that give your vital organs a hard time and also take away your self-esteem and confidence. Wholesome foods are packed with nutrients like vitamins and minerals. They are also excellent sources of antioxidants that protect the cells from free radicals. Antioxidants also help slow down the aging process.

Because they are certainly low in fat and calories, fruits and vegetables can help you slim down effectively. Their rich fiber content can save you from overeating because they make you feel full for a longer period of time. Adding protein to your diet is important too. When opting for animal-based protein, choose wisely. Some great examples are fish, chicken breast without the skin, and lean beef cuts.

Working out regularly is very important too. Fortunately, you really don't have to get a subscription at an expensive gym. You may get the desired result simply by walking, jogging, swimming, dancing, bicycling or playing badminton. Fitness experts say that you should workout at least 5 times weekly, and each session should last for not less than 20 minutes. By eating properly and working out regularly, the intake of slimming supplements can be avoided.

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